Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Marine Mining

Marine Mining is a very bad habit for our fish and sea creatures also bad for the our, Kaimoana . Sometimes people just don't realise what their doing or how their doing it but sometimes they just do it as they please and they don't even care about the environment like if some one told them to stop they will just keep on going . So if you still want our environment to be safe for our kids in the future than stop doing wrong and do right for the environment.


Image result for marine mining

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Mahi Tahi

 Mahi Tahi is a night that we like to do to show off our work to our parents. And also brag about how much learning we did during one term . Each and every term we have a Mahi Tahi so they can see what learning we do. At the first Mahi Tahi for 2019 instead of showing our parents our work for the whole night we decided at 5:15 we would gather in Piwakawaka so the students would be teachers of our parents. And watch them how they would do an activity with other parents and how they would use communication,collaboration,creativity,and critical thinking. The four C's which we use for our own Mahi Tahi for the year,5,6,7,8 but it's not when look at each others books. It's when we come together and we get into groups and we get given a task and we have to complete it by 15 minutes.
This Tuesday we did baking because it was the night that we were having Mahi Tahi.