Thursday, 2 November 2017


Today at school we did gardening with our little garden cause it´s been sitting in our class for days so we dissident to plant them today it was so fun and I got to do hypes of jobs then we all went over the roles and got started to get in to it hears the steps that we went at

Step 1. make sure the sole is nice and flet for it.
Step 2. get the plant out of it´s contaner.
Step 3. dig a little hole that´s not to deep.
Step 4. put in your plant in with out breaking it.
Step 5. put the sole on your plant with out covering it.
Step 6. do make sure you water them everyday.
Step 7. give it lots of sun shine.
Step 8. it grows.
Step 9. your all done. HERES SOME PICTURS